An authorised nirvana asia agency registered code 1316

(One-Stop Funeral Service (KL/Selangor
Sales & Careline: 016 667 5502
马六甲 富贵山庄 Nirvana Memorial Park, Melaka

富贵山庄是为了已故亲人的那份心灵慰藉,现代人为已故的亲人建立一座世外桃源般的景色怡人,风水绝佳的陵园,得天独厚的环境,更迎合了社会各阶层不同背景 的需求。 富贵山庄- 这个您可前往缅怀先人并致以崇高敬意的宁静天堂具备了以下的贴心服务:雅致的布置及瑰丽恬静的环境,有规划的设计及齐全设备。宁静优雅的风水福地,永久及完善的护理,严密的保安措施,恒扬中华民族的固有主题 – 孝道,古色古香之建筑风格。

Nirvana Nemorial Park Melaka

Nirvana Memorial Park Melaka

Nirvana Memorial Park Melaka
Imagine a Chinese Imperial Garden with temples, sculptures, prayer hall, function halls, pavilions and extensive landscaping surrounded by luscious rolling green hills. Nirvana Memorial Park Melaka is the first professionally managed and maintained exclusive garden. Nirvana Memorial Park Melaka is elegantly crafted based on the enchanting oriental architectural designs with luxury setups in a placid and picturesque environment to deliver the best for our patrons. Nirvana Memorial Park Melaka offers your departed loved ones the best resting place, peace of mind and nothing less than the highest respect and recognition. Nirvana Memorial Park – a tranquil haven where you can visit, pay respect, remember and reflect on fond memories.
This memorial park offers :
a well-planned environment with graceful landscaping, serene surroundings and a full range of facilities and excellent ‘Feng Shui’ elements perpetual maintenance comprehensive security services ideal surroundings conducive for reflection ancient Chinese architectural buildings and structures ‘personal-touch’ services .